Determining the Mass of Elliptical Galaxies by Velocity Dispersion Method Measurement of velocity dispersion of stars in the nuclear region with the help of high dispersion spectrograms serves the purpose of estimating the total …
Density Wave Theory of Spiral Arms In a simpler example, they describe it as the cars move through the traffic jam: the density of cars increases in the middle of traffic jam itself, however, moves more slowly.
Precise Timing of A Black Hole Dance Captured by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope Black holes have long been a mysterious and a special topic for astronomers and also to the layman. This mysterious region in space can not be seen directly …
A Galaxy at 12 Billion Light-Years Away Looks Like Our Milky Way This signifies that we see it as it was when the universe was just 1.4 billion years old. This is the fascination of astronomical technique and observation.
Gravitational Theory of the Origin of Spiral Structure of Galaxies Spiral arms are composed entirely of Population I material whereas Population II materials are concentrated more towards the centre.
Magnetic Field Theory of Spiral Arms of Galaxy Scientists have often relied on gravity to explain their results because measuring celestial magnetic fields is extremely challenging. But the data from SOFIA now compel scientists to consider their role.
What Process Creates and Maintains the Spiral Arms Around Spiral Galaxies? Those spiral arms can be permanent or at least quasi-permanent and they are filled with the stars which can move in and out of the arms as they orbit through the galaxy.
Classification of Galaxies Though widely followed by scientific community, Hubble’s classification is not the one and only galaxy classification. W.W. Morgan suggested a classification scheme which is based on the relative contributions of light from population types to the total light.
Astronomer Confirmed that the Intermediate Black Hole Exists [Naming of the gravitational wave; GW190521 gravitational waves are named according to the recorded by LIGO and Virgo on 2019, May 21].
Why Planets like Neptune and Uranus Rains Diamonds? It has been already predicted that about a depth of 7,000 km, a condition may present at Neptune such that methane decomposes into diamond crystals and rain downwards like hailstones.